Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why I Write

There are many probable reasons as to why I write, or at least write for fun and not out of obligation. It is most likely because I view it as an outlet, a healthy one (usually)to bitch and moan or express myself and my opinions and views. Sometimes I write merely out of boredom or for the entertainment of others. I really do enjoy writing my stories and poems and screenplays, I think mainly because I can create characters as I see fit and put them into situations that I feel they need to be in, or put them into situations and explore how they get themselves out of those situations. In short they are the puppets and I am the puppet master. I can make them dance around on my paper or skydive or be lovers or haters. I can live my unfulfilled dreams through the characters I create. I have fun writing. I have fun creating. So presumably that is the biggest reason why I write.

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