Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Barely Used" (Short Story Blog)

Amy sat at the counter of her cluttered kitchen, rolling a cigarette between her fingers. She drew it up to her lips and took a long drag. The phone rang, startling her. She reached over the clutter and picked up the receiver.
"Yes, I am calling about the ad in the paper" a gruff male voice replied. "How much you asking?"
Amy sighed. "I don't know, 50 bucks?"
"Is it in good condition?"
"Yeah, it's barely been used."
"Sounds fair. When can I pick it up?"
"I'm home all day. 135 Oak Drive"
"I know where that is. I will be there in about an hour."
"Sounds good. What's your name?"

An hour later a small black truck backed down Amy's winding driveway. An older gentleman with short gray hair and a bushy beard got out of the truck and approached the door. Amy, in frumpy sweats, opened the door before he even had a chance to ring the bell.
"You must be John" she said happily.
"Yeah, I sure am. Do you mind if I ask why you are selling it?"
"Not at all, come on in. We actually inherited it but have no real use for it. The one we have works quite well."
John cocked an eyebrow.
"You inherited it?"
Amy rolled her eyes and grinned.
"Odd I know. It would make more sense if you knew my in laws. I think they enjoy dumping these things on us."

Several minutes later John loaded a new white toilet onto the back of his truck.