Monday, May 2, 2011

Because I can

My choice huh? That's ironic considering I have nothing I want to say. the kids are fine, I am for the most part fine, school is fine. nothing really to complain about. but on the flip side nothing really to get excited about. my life is mundane today. Check that, there is one thing that really irks me. All the Osama Bin Laden BS on facebook.  I am so fed up with all the nonsense that I am almost ready to delete my account. yes he's dead, but has justice REALLY been served? should we be celebrating his death or should we be on the lookout for the heir to the throne? I am also fed up with the BS bickering about whether or not Obama is awesome. Ok HE didn't kill Osama, it just happened during his presidency. So all the people out there talking about how awesome he is really ticks me off. BUT the Obama haters tick me off too, because they are slamming him because he didn't kill Osama himself and the military ALMOST went without pay because of him and they still won't vote for him and bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. There are far too many people in this country to please everyone, we probably can't even have a happy medium. I just want people to quit arguing about Obama and whether or not he is awesome for "catching" OBL and just take the whole thing as a win for the country. So now that I have bitched about their bitching, I am done now. and I do feel a little better actually.


  1. "bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch ..."
    oh, and fyi, when media and others claim that not passing a budget means military won't get paid, they're lying or don't understand. they will get paid, period. it's never actually a consideration, just a bitching point that holds no ground.
    so, next year i might be coming up for a visit. we'll have to sit around and "bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch!"
    take care you

  2. hooray!!! I can't wait to see you!!!
